Request Information

Registration: Registration for the GMA Spring athletic season will open on January 8 for flag football and crew, and on January 22 for all other sports. All athletes wishing to participate in a spring sport MUST register on FamilyID. Instructions on how to register can be found under the Athletics section of the website. Athletes will not be allowed to participate unless registration is complete. Registration does not carry over from previous seasons. 

The deadline to register for Flag Football is Sunday, February 11.

The deadline to register for CREW is Thursday, February 29.

The deadline to register for Lacrosse/Softball/Track & Field is Friday, March 1.


Sport Physical: All athletes are required to have a sport physical completed before the start of their first season of the school year. Physicals for this school year must be dated after June 1, 2023. The only form we are allowed to accept is the PIAA CIPPE (section 6). Please upload the completed form to your FamilyID registration. Athletes will not be allowed to participate unless the correct physical form is complete.


Concussion Testing: Testing will be virtual. Links will be sent to registered athletes' GMA email on their assigned dates. Links will come from our testing company: ImPact. Athletes will not be allowed to participate until their test is complete. 


Baseline concussion testing is required for the following Spring sports:

Flag Football: Wednesday, February 7

Lacrosse: Monday, February 26

Softball: Tuesday, February 27

High Jump/Pole Vault: Wednesday, February 28. You must email LA for a link!


If you have not received a link by NOON on your assigned date, please contact LA so she can send you a link. 


For any questions about registration, physicals, or concussion testing, please get in touch with Lynann Sullivan, our athletic trainer:


Sports fee

The fee schedule is as follows: 

$175 - first sport of the school year

$150 - second sport of the school year

$125 - third sport of the school year

$250 - swimming & diving

Crew - $1500


The business office will bill all sports fees via Blackbaud once the final rosters have been decided. DO NOT send a check in with your athlete!